Tutu's Hawaii 808 Uncategorized Hawaiian shortbread cookie

Hawaiian shortbread cookie

The Honolulu Cookie Company would have you believe that the idea for a Hawaiian shortbread cookie dropped out of the sky into their laps. However, there is a long and storied history of shortbread cookies in Hawaii. In the mid-twentieth century, they were most associated with school lunches. Their compact size and relative indestructibility proved popular with cafeteria workers. From the 1970s on, the tourist market in Hawaii burgeoned. Many former school cafeteria employees repurposed their cookie-making skill for the tourist market. They discovered that many of the qualities that made shortbread an excellent lunchroom treat carried over to the souvenir business. Small, un-squishable cookies with a long shelf life were the perfect souvenir. The addition of local macadamia nuts, and a chocolate dip, only added to their charm. Exquisite packaging and the invention of the “premium shortbread cookies” label (whatever that means?) followed.

Hawaii Cookies


Hawaii Coffee and Hawaii Macadamia Nut Shortbread Cookies Gift Basket
Hawaii Coffee and Hawaii Macadamia Nut Shortbread Cookies Gift Basket

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